The world of Sam Caruso


the world of Sam Caruso touches your heart with delightful childhood stories of days gone by.

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A Boy At Heart

One birthday, I got a surprise from my Aunt Nancy. I so enjoyed her gift because I learned that growing-up isn't so bad, as long as you don't forget about being a kid.

Over the Ivy Covered Fence

Once, I was frightened of dogs. Then one day I met Max, a beautiful black dog. This is the story of how Max helped me to learn that big black dogs can be pretty nice friends.

Nonno's Pocket Watch

This is the story about the time when my grandfather, Nonno Pete, gave me a pocket watch. It was a beautiful and very special watch, and it helped me learn something very important.


meet the characters

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about the author

Ray M. Vento continues the Sam Caruso series with "A Boy at Heart". This is the third book in the series to follow: "Nonno's Pocket Watch" and "Over the Ivy Covered Fence". The Sam Caruso stories are built on events and people from what Ray refers to as his "golden years of childhood".

What helps to make the Sam Caruso stories nostalgically appealing are the pictures created by Jay Mazhar: the artist has wonderfully tipped his hat to the historic Dick and Jane illustrations of Eleanor Campbell and Keith Ward.

Writing, genealogy research and travel continue to occupy Ray's grown-up adventures from his home in New York City.